"Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." - Matthew 5:16 © 2022, LDC


Have a question? We’re available by phone or email weekdays 8:00AM–6:00PM MST.

Phone: (602) 753-6241

Email: hello@lovealldesign.co


We are located in Phoenix, Arizona. Local pickup is available ! Just use the code PHXLOCAL to take off shipping and arrange an order pickup.

401 W Cactus Ln Suite 2

Phoenix, AZ 85027

Allison Loveall  – Owner and Artist

This journey began about 7 years ago during my freshman year of college. While studying Elementary Education, I decided to turn start selling some watercolor, hand-lettered scripture prints that were a product of a little hobby I started in the summer. Friends and family were so supportive and encouraged me to open up an Etsy shop. After a few short months selling prints on Etsy, the little hobby of mine quickly flourished into a business.

I always dreamed deep down to create and sell beautiful prints and stationery. I would fan girl every time I went into a cute boutique and see adorable stationery, prints, and accesories. I only imagined being able to create items like those and have them in stores one day.

Fast forward 7 years, I continued to grow this business and achieve some life-changing milestones. I met the love of my life, garaduated University, got married, and moved to Phoenix, Arizona. We added a new addition to our family on June 25th, 2021 – Nolan James! He is the greatest blessing in our life. Becoming a mom is one of the most rewarding things ever.

Across this span of life-changing events, I managed to expand my product line to enhance the company. With the expansion of products and community around this business, I have had the opportunity to grow a team of Christian ladies who help manage this amazing company.

We are now licencing artwork to expand products into stores like Hobby Lobby, Barnes and Noble, and Amazon!

I am extremely humbled to have the love and support of such amazing customers! Most importantly, I give God all the glory. I pray that I use the talent He has given me for the better good and to always spread his Good News.

Allison Loveall

Amy Burroughs – Shipping and Operations Manager of Loveall Design Co.

The last 3 years I’ve been shooting videos for weddings and creating photos for small businesses, as well as serving at my church on the media team. I love working with people who are creating with purpose. Flowers are one of my favorite things ever, and I love how Allison designs them on every piece with meaningful words. I’m so thankful God had me step into this place, with Loveall Design Co., to help in any way I can! I pray every package is delivered in love!